Need- and merit-based aid
The Bright Minds Fund provides need- and merit-based aid for Dutch PPLE students as resource inequality keeps some bright minds from realising their full potential.
With your help, our fund can build an across-the-board support system for students who possess the curiosity, determination and ability to be admitted to PPLE College, but do not have the financial means to thrive there or to join at all. Help unlock the potential of tomorrow’s brightest.
About PPLE
PPLE is a small-scale honours programme connecting the subjects of Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics. Annually 2000 students enter the admissions process, and 220 students get selected. They specialise in one of the majors while also becoming generalists of the other pillars.
Still being a reasonably new study programme – first graduating class in 2017 – our alumni are entering the work field, and have already gone on to become legal specialists, research analysts, finance consultants and marketing advisors at many notable companies such as PwC, ING & Deloitte.
Find out more about PPLEDeductible donations
Donations to the Bright Minds Fund are deductible from Dutch income tax or corporate income tax. This is thanks to the fact that BMF is a named fund under Amsterdam University Fund.
AUF is the independent support foundation of the University of Amsterdam and is recognised as a Public Benefit Organisation (ANBI). AUF provides crucial support for research, educational initiatives and world-class heritage collections at the University of Amsterdam.
Find out more about AUFWhy donate?
When higher education and corporations join forces, opportunities can be created for those facing the highest barriers to secure a fairer, brighter future. The Bright Minds Fund allows you the opportunity to support smart individuals with insufficient financial means to thrive at an international honours college that allows little time for side jobs or study delays.
In turn, your investment allows you to align your company with a selective honours programme and tap into skilled and unique talent, whilst practising corporate social responsibility.
How to donate?
Nurture today’s raw talent, meet tomorrow’s budding potential. Whether you prefer to do a one-time donation, or become a monthly or annual donor, the Fund and its beneficiaries welcome and appreciate any and all support.
For both private and corporate contribution, please find our donation link below. You may also donate via direct bank transfer to NL24 ABNA 0453 2156 53 under the name ‘Amsterdams Universiteitsfonds’ and stating ‘Bright Minds Fund’ in the description.
Please contact us over any questions, concerns or needs you have as a donor. For instance, on how we make sure 100% of donations go towards the scholarships or how you can tap into our pool of talent for your recruitment.
Take me to the donation pageImpact
- All donations are deductible from personal and corporate income tax thanks to the ANBI status. Read more about tax benefits.
- 100% of donations go towards scholarships.
- We greatly value donations that resemble the length of the study programme: three years. For corporate donors, the Fund requires a commitment of a minimum of three years. For private donors, you get the biggest tax benefits if you sign up for five years.
- Would you instead like to donate time or other resources? Don’t hesitate to reach out via Our team welcomes your assistance and suggestions.
Meet the Team
The Bright Minds Fund was founded in 2021 by PPLE staff members Nils Mevius and Paula Hentschel and PPLE graduate Venla Kropsu. Together we form a motivated team breaking new ground for educational equity.